Understanding MySQL Port Configuration and Management

mysql port management

This article delves into the essentials of MySQL port configuration, covering its basic definition, default settings, and the significant role it plays in database connectivity. Additionally, we will explore how to configure and secure this port, troubleshoot common issues, and answer frequently asked questions, providing a comprehensive guide for both beginners and seasoned professionals. MySQL … Read more

How to Fix ‘MySQL Unknown Column in Field List’ Error

Unknown Column in Field List

Encountering the “Unknown Column in Field List” error in MySQL can be frustrating, but it’s a common issue that can be resolved with the right approach. This guide will help you understand why this error occurs and provide step-by-step solutions to fix it. What Does this Error Mean? This error occurs when MySQL cannot find … Read more

MySQL-Async: The Key to Faster, More Efficient Databases

mysql slow query log

MySQL-Async is a great tool for efficient and scalable database management in web development. It uses asynchronous programming to reduce delays and increase speed, making it ideal for high-demand applications. This guide covers its features, setup process, and key benefits, helping you get started quickly and effectively. What is MySQL-Async? MySQL-Async is an open-source library … Read more

Quick Guide: Install MySQL on Mac Using Brew

install mysql mac brew

MySQL stands as one of the most popular relational database management systems in the world. Its robust features and flexibility make it a top choice for developers and businesses alike. For Mac users, the installation process is made even more straightforward with the use of Homebrew. This package manager not only simplifies the process of … Read more

How To Restart a Galera Cluster in 4 Easy Steps

galera cluster, mariadb, restart galery cluster

On occasion, you may have the need to restart a Galera Cluster. This could be part of a maintenance procedure, system/node recovery after a power failure, or for another reason. Before proceeding, please take a backup of your database to prevent any potential data loss. Also, ensure that all your nodes have the same configuration … Read more

Enabling MySQL Slow Query Log & Improve Performance

mysql slow query log

MySQL (MariaDB) is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) used by millions of applications worldwide. However, like all software systems, it can sometimes suffer from performance issues. This blog post will walk you through enabling MySQL performance logging in Linux, identifying slow-running queries, recognizing queries without indexes, and understanding the importance of indexing … Read more

MySQLTuner: Guide to MySQL/MariaDB Performance Tuning

mysql slow query log

MySQL (MariaDB) is an open-source relational database management system that powers a significant portion of the web. However, to get the most out of it, you need to keep it well-optimized. One of the best ways to achieve that is by using MySQLTuner, a Perl script that quickly reviews your MySQL settings and provides recommendations … Read more

Setup a MariaDB Galera Cluster on Ubuntu: Step-by-step Guide

mariadb, mysql, clustering, cluster

In this tutorial, we will show you how to setup a MariaDB Clustering using Galera on Ubuntu. In addition to these easy install instructions, we’ll explain what is MariaDB clustering, how does cluster work, and how to enable clustering in MariaDB on Ubuntu. MariaDB is a popular open-source database management system that offers high performance, … Read more

Fix SQL Error -532: Resolving Relationship Constraint Issues During Row Deletion

sqlcode=-532, sqlstate=23504

This article will explain the cause and solution to DB2 SQL Error-532 or sqlcode=-532, sqlstate=23504, which is also similar to MySQL : ERROR 1216: Cannot add or update a child row and SQL Server error: foreign key constraint failed Foreign Key Constraint Error Possible Manifestation The DELETE statement cannot be executed. The contents of the … Read more

Create a compressed MySQL database dump/backup (Linux)

This may go without saying, but backing up your database regularly is important. Hard disks can fail at anytime causing you to lose all your data (We recommend using a RAID configuration when possible for data redundancy!) Often times, we may overlook the database and simply make backups of our /www or /public_html folder that … Read more