How to create/remove symlinks (symbolic link) in Linux

rpm dependencies, linux, ubuntu

This article will show you how to create and delete symbolic links on a Linux system such as Ubuntu, Red Hat, and other Linux distributions.  A symbolic link is a file that points to another file. Note that there is only 1 copy of the actual file on the hard disk, thus saving valuable hard disk space by simply creating a link to it.

What is a Symbolic Link?

A symbolic link, often referred to as a symlink or soft link, is a type of file in Linux that serves as a reference or pointer to another file or directory. Unlike a regular file that contains data, a symlink contains the path (address) to another file or directory. This makes it similar to a shortcut in Windows, offering a way to access the target file or directory more conveniently. Symlinks can point to any file or directory on the same filesystem or across different filesystems, making them incredibly versatile for file management and organization.

Symlinks are created using the ln command with the -s option, which stands for “symbolic.” The basic syntax for creating a symlink is ln -s target_path symlink_name, where target_path is the path to the file or directory you want to link to, and symlink_name is the name of the symlink you are creating. One of the key characteristics of symlinks is that they do not contain the actual data of the target file or directory but merely point to its location. As a result, symlinks are much smaller in size than the files they link to.

Another important aspect of symlinks is their behavior when the target file or directory is moved or deleted. If the target is moved, the symlink will no longer work as intended because its path reference is no longer valid. If the target is deleted, the symlink remains but becomes a “broken link,” pointing to a non-existent location. Despite these potential issues, symlinks are a powerful tool for creating flexible and dynamic file systems.

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Create symlink to fileln -s /path/to/file symlink_name
Create symlink to directoryln -s /path/to/folder symlink_name
Remove symlinkrm /path/to/symlink or unlink /path/to/symlinkUse unlink for files to avoid accidentally removing directories

Benefits of Symbolic Links

Symbolic links offer several advantages that make them an essential feature of Linux file management:

  1. Efficiency and Convenience: Symlinks allow users to access files and directories from different locations without duplicating the actual data. This is particularly useful for organizing files and directories in a way that is logical for the user or application, without changing their physical location on the disk.
  2. Saves Disk Space: Since symlinks only contain the path to another file or directory, they consume very little disk space themselves. This is beneficial in environments where disk space is at a premium.
  3. Flexibility Across Filesystems: Unlike hard links, symlinks can point to files and directories located on different filesystems. This makes them incredibly versatile for linking files across partitions or even network-mounted filesystems.
  4. Simplifies File Management: Symlinks can simplify complex file structures, making it easier to navigate and manage files. For example, a symlink can provide a short and memorable path to a deeply nested directory or file.
  5. Facilitates Version Control and Backup: Symlinks can be used to manage different versions of a file or to create backup copies. By pointing a symlink to the current version of a file, users can ensure that applications always access the latest version without needing to update the file path in multiple locations.
  6. Compatibility and Integration: Many software applications and scripts use symlinks to manage files and directories dynamically. Symlinks can help integrate disparate parts of a filesystem or ensure compatibility between different applications by providing a consistent file path.

In summary, symbolic links are a powerful feature of Linux that offer a flexible and efficient way to manage files and directories. By understanding and utilizing symlinks, users can greatly enhance their file management strategies, improve system organization, and optimize their workflow.

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Creating a Symbolic Link (Symlink) in Linux

To create a symbolic link, use the syntax:
ln -s [directory or file to link] [the path of the new link]

For example, to create the link (or shortcut) /logs/mongrel.log that points to the actual file /usr/local/bin/mongrel/logs/mongrel.log, use the syntax:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/mongrel/logs/mongrel.log /logs/mongrel.log
Now, each time you want to view the mongrel.log file, you do not have to navigate to the original long path, simply go to the /logs folder

Note: You must create the /logs folder prior to creating the symbolic link

Removing/Deleting a Symbolic Link (Symlink) in Linux

Deleting a symbolic link is the same as removing a real file or directory. Simply use the command:
rm [filename]

Note: Deleting the symbolic link does not delete the actual file, it only removes the link.

Identifying and Deleting Broken Symlinks

Broken symlinks occur when the target file or directory a symlink points to is moved or deleted. Identifying and removing these broken links is crucial for maintaining a clean and efficient filesystem. To find broken symlinks, use the command find /path/to/directory -xtype l, which searches for links without a valid target. This command lists all broken symlinks within the specified directory or its subdirectories.

To delete a broken symlink, use the rm or unlink command followed by the symlink’s path, like rm /path/to/broken/symlink or unlink /path/to/broken/symlink. Both commands effectively remove the symlink, but unlink is specifically designed for this purpose and avoids the risk of accidentally deleting non-symlink files or directories. Regularly cleaning up broken symlinks helps keep your system organized and prevents errors related to missing targets.


Can I update a symlink?

Yes, you can update a symlink by recreating it. First, remove the existing symlink using the rm or unlink command, then create a new symlink with the ln -s command pointing to the new target. This process effectively updates the symlink to point to a different file or directory.

What happens if the target file of a symlink is moved or deleted?

If the target file of a symlink is moved or deleted, the symlink becomes broken, meaning it points to a non-existent location. The symlink itself remains, but accessing it will result in an error until the target is restored or the symlink is updated to point to a new, existing target.

How do symlinks work with backup and version control systems?

Symlinks are typically treated as links by backup and version control systems, meaning the system stores the path information of the symlink rather than the content of the file or directory it points to. This ensures that the symlink structure is preserved when data is restored or checked out from version control.

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