How to parse a decimal number using ‘awk’ and ‘cut’ in Linux

number of files, linux, ubuntu, red hat

This article will show you how to parse a decimal number (such as a software release number) into individual parts. For example, you can do this if you need to compare the the minor release number of two versions. There are numerous ways to accomplish the same thing using Linux and I will show you two of them: awk and cut.

Understanding ‘awk’ for Decimal Parsing

The awk command is a powerful tool for text processing and data extraction in Linux, ideal for parsing decimal numbers in various contexts. Understanding how to use awk effectively for decimal parsing requires familiarity with its syntax and functions, particularly how it handles strings and numeric values.

Basics of awk

awk operates by reading input files line by line, splitting each line into fields based on a separator (default is whitespace), and then processing each line according to the program provided by the user. An awk program is a series of patterns and actions, enclosed in {} and applied to the input text.

Decimal Parsing with awk

To parse decimal numbers using awk, you can specify the Field Separator (FS) variable to customize how awk splits input lines. For decimal numbers, you might set FS to a period (.) to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. Here’s a simple illustration:

echo "52.4" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{print $1, $2}'

This command echoes a decimal number, pipes it into awk, which then splits the number into two parts at the period. The print $1, $2 action tells awk to print the first field (before the period) and the second field (after the period), effectively parsing the whole number from the decimal.

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Example Usage

Consider the task of comparing software version numbers, where you need to parse and compare the major and minor parts of version numbers. Using awk, you can easily extract these components:

echo "version 1.2.3" | awk '{split($2, a, "."); print "Major version:", a[1], "Minor version:", a[2]}'

In this example, awk uses the split function to divide the second field ($2, which is 1.2.3) into an array a, using . as the delimiter. It then prints the major and minor version numbers separately.

Advanced Considerations

When parsing decimal numbers, especially in a locale that uses a comma (,) as the decimal separator, you might need to adjust awk‘s behavior accordingly. This can involve setting the LC_NUMERIC environment variable or preprocessing the input to replace commas with periods before parsing.

Additionally, awk performs automatic type conversion between strings and numbers, allowing for flexible handling of numeric operations on parsed fields. This feature is particularly useful when you need to perform arithmetic comparisons or calculations with the parsed numbers.

Utilizing ‘cut’ for Decimal Extraction

The cut command in Linux is a simple yet powerful utility for text processing, specifically designed for extracting sections from each line of input. It is particularly useful for parsing and extracting decimal numbers from structured text files or command output, where the precision of selecting specific fields or characters is crucial.

Introduction to cut

The cut command allows you to select portions of text from each line of a file or piped input, using delimiters to specify fields or character ranges for extraction. This makes it ideal for scenarios where you need to extract specific numeric values, including decimal numbers, from a larger dataset.

Basic Usage of cut for Decimal Numbers

To extract decimal numbers using cut, you typically specify a delimiter (-d) that separates the fields in your input and the field number (-f) you wish to extract. For decimal numbers, if they are part of a larger string or a set of numbers separated by a specific character, you can use this character as your delimiter.

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For example, if you have a list of version numbers like and you want to extract the second field (the minor version), you could use:

echo "" | cut -d. -f2

This command tells cut to use the period (.) as the field delimiter and to extract the second field, which would output 0.

Advanced Options for Refined Extraction

While the basic usage of cut is straightforward, several advanced options can provide more control over the extraction process:

  • Field Ranges: You can specify a range of fields to extract. For example, -f1-3 extracts the first through third fields.
  • Complement Selection: The --complement flag allows you to invert the selection, extracting all fields except those specified.
  • Output Delimiter: With --output-delimiter, you can define how the extracted fields are separated in the output, which is particularly useful when combining multiple fields【7†source】.

Practical Examples

In practice, cut can be used to parse complex data formats. Consider a CSV file where decimal numbers are part of the data. Using cut with the comma as a delimiter, you can extract specific numeric fields for further processing or analysis.

Additionally, cut can be combined with other commands via pipes for dynamic data extraction scenarios, such as filtering log files for specific error codes or extracting usage metrics from system reports.

Example 1 – Using awk to parse decimals

Number: 52.4

echo "52.4" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{print $1, $2}'
Output: 52 4

echo "52.4" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{print $1}'
Output: 52

echo "52.4" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{print $2}'
Output: 4

Example 2 – Using cut Using awk to parse decimals


echo "" | cut -d. -f1
Output: 52 4

echo "" | cut -d. -f2
Output: 0

echo "" | cut -d. -f3
Output: 2

echo "" | cut -d. -f4
Output: 66

There you have it, two different methods for parsing decimal numbers!

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