[Solved] How to Show All Users in MySQL Database in PHP

Show All Users in MySQL Database in PHP

Managing MySQL users is essential for database security and performance. Knowing how to list MySQL users ensures you can monitor who has access and control their permissions effectively.

This article will show you:

  • How to list MySQL users with simple queries.
  • Methods to view detailed user information.
  • Tips to manage users securely.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned database admin, understanding these commands will simplify user management and improve database security. Let’s dive in!

Understanding MySQL User Accounts

What Are MySQL User Accounts?

In MySQL, user accounts control who can access the database and what they can do. Each account has:

  • Username: Identifies the user.
  • Host: Specifies where the user can connect from (e.g., localhost or %).
  • Privileges: Define what actions the user can perform, like reading, writing, or managing data.

Default Users After Installation

When you install MySQL, these default accounts are created:

  • root: The admin account with full privileges.
  • mysql.session: Handles background processes.
  • mysql.sys: Supports metadata and system views.

It’s good practice to secure or limit default accounts to reduce risks.

Keeping track of MySQL users ensures:

  • Only authorized people or systems have access.
  • Security loopholes like unused accounts are eliminated.
  • Database performance remains optimal by avoiding unnecessary access.

Methods to List All MySQL Users

Now let’s get to the fun part—actually listing MySQL users. There are several ways to do this, depending on how much information you need. We’ll walk through a few common methods step-by-step.

1. Querying the mysql.user Table

The mysql.user table is your go-to spot for finding all MySQL users. This table contains information like usernames, hostnames, and user privileges. Here’s a simple query to list users:

SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user;
  • User: Shows the username of the account.
  • Host: Indicates where the user can connect from (e.g., localhost or %).

For example, your result might look like this:


This gives you a basic view of all users.

2. Displaying Unique Usernames

If your database has multiple users connecting from different hosts, the list can get repetitive. To clean it up, use the DISTINCT keyword:


This will give you a simplified list of unique usernames, which is handy for a quick overview.

3. Retrieving Detailed User Information

Need more details? You can add columns to see additional properties like account status or password expiration:

SELECT User, Host, account_locked, password_expired FROM mysql.user;

Here’s what the extra columns mean:

  • account_locked: Indicates if the account is active or locked.
  • password_expired: Flags if the password needs to be updated.
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This level of detail helps identify issues like expired credentials or unused accounts.

4. List Users with Specific Permissions

Want to see who has certain privileges? For example, let’s find users with SELECT privileges:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'host';

You’ll get a result like this:

GRANT SELECT ON database_name.* TO 'username'@'host';

This command is useful when auditing user permissions.

5. Troubleshooting Missing Users

If you don’t see the mysql.user table, it’s likely a permissions issue. You’ll need to ensure your account has administrative privileges to access this table.

Viewing the Current User

Sometimes, you only need to check who’s logged in at the moment. MySQL provides two handy functions for this:

1. Using the USER() Function

The USER() function returns the username and host of the currently logged-in account. Here’s how it works:


For example, the result might look like this:


2. Difference Between USER() and CURRENT_USER()

While USER() shows the account used to log in, CURRENT_USER() displays the account MySQL is using for permission checks. These are often the same but can differ if a proxy user is involved.

Here’s an example to illustrate:


You might see something like:

USER(): admin@  
CURRENT_USER(): root@localhost

Knowing this distinction can be helpful for debugging permissions.

Listing Currently Logged-In Users

If you’re managing an active database, you might want to know who’s logged in right now. This can help monitor activity or troubleshoot issues like high server load.

1. Using the information_schema.processlist Table

The processlist table contains information about all active connections. To see who’s logged in, run this query:

SELECT user, host, db, command FROM information_schema.processlist;

Here’s what the columns mean:

  • user: The username of the logged-in account.
  • host: Where the user is connecting from.
  • db: The database the user is interacting with.
  • command: The current action (e.g., Sleep, Query).

A sample output might look like this:


2. Focusing on Specific Users

To narrow it down, filter by username:

SELECT user, host FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE user = 'username';

This helps track individual user activity.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Even seasoned MySQL administrators run into problems when managing users. Let’s look at some common issues you might face and how to fix them.

1. Permissions Errors

If you see a “permission denied” error when trying to query the mysql.user table, it’s likely because your account doesn’t have the necessary privileges.

You’ll need to log in as a user with administrative rights (like root) or a user with SELECT privileges on the mysql database. Run this to grant access:

GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO 'username'@'host';

Afterward, reload privileges with:


2. Missing Users in the List

If you know a user exists but it doesn’t show up in your query results, check these potential causes:

  • They’re stored under a different host. For example, user1@localhost is separate from user1@%.
  • Privileges might have been revoked. Use SHOW GRANTS to verify.

Run a more detailed query to include all hosts:

SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user;

3. Problems with Passwords

Users might encounter issues logging in if their password has expired or if they’re using an incorrect one.

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Check the password_expired column in the mysql.user table:

SELECT User, Host, password_expired FROM mysql.user;

To reset the password, use this command:

ALTER USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';

4. Can’t Access the mysql.user Table

If the mysql.user table doesn’t seem accessible, the issue could be with the database version or restrictions on administrative privileges.

Ensure you’re using an admin account. If the problem persists, verify the MySQL installation and table integrity by running:

mysqlcheck -u root -p mysql

Best Practices for Managing MySQL Users

Good user management practices can save you a lot of headaches. Here’s how to keep your MySQL user accounts organized and secure.

1. Regularly Audit User Accounts

Over time, unused or outdated accounts can pile up, creating security risks. Schedule regular audits to:

  • Identify inactive users.
  • Remove accounts that are no longer needed.
  • Verify permissions for each user.

Run this to list all accounts and spot anomalies:

SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user;

2. Enforce Strong Password Policies

Weak passwords are an easy target for attackers. MySQL supports password validation plugins that enforce rules like:

  • Minimum password length.
  • Inclusion of uppercase, numbers, and special characters.

Enable the plugin with this command:

INSTALL PLUGIN validate_password SONAME 'validate_password.so';

3. Limit User Privileges

Always follow the principle of least privilege. For example:

  • A reporting user might only need SELECT permissions.
  • Developers might need INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges but not DROP or GRANT.

To assign privileges, use:

GRANT SELECT ON database_name.* TO 'username'@'host';

4. Rotate Passwords Regularly

Old passwords increase the risk of compromise. Make it a habit to rotate passwords periodically. This command makes updating passwords easy:

ALTER USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';

5. Monitor Login Activity

Use the information_schema.processlist table to track who’s connected and what they’re doing. For example:

SELECT user, host, db, command FROM information_schema.processlist;

Regular monitoring can help detect unauthorized access or unusual activity.


Listing and managing MySQL users might seem like a small task, but it has a big impact on database security and efficiency. From querying the mysql.user table to checking currently logged-in users, knowing these commands gives you full control over who can access your database.

To recap, here’s what we covered:

  • How to use simple queries to list MySQL users and their details.
  • Ways to troubleshoot common issues like permissions errors.
  • Best practices like auditing accounts, enforcing strong passwords, and limiting privileges.

By following these steps, you’ll keep your database secure and running smoothly. Whether you’re new to MySQL or a seasoned admin, these tips are your go-to for better user management. Happy querying!


How do I list all users in a MySQL database using PHP?

To list all users, write a PHP script that connects to your MySQL database, then use a SELECT SQL query to fetch user data. The script should execute this query and output the results, typically using a loop to iterate through all the records.

What common errors should I look out for when retrieving users in PHP?

Common errors include database connection failures, SQL syntax errors, and issues with data output. Ensure your connection details are correct, your SQL queries are properly formatted, and your PHP script correctly handles the data retrieval and display.

Can I customize the user data retrieved from MySQL in PHP?

Absolutely. Customize your SQL query to fetch specific data. For instance, use SELECT username, email FROM users to retrieve only usernames and emails. Tailoring your queries helps retrieve more relevant data efficiently.

Is it safe to display MySQL user data using PHP?

It can be safe if best practices are followed. Always sanitize and validate output, use prepared statements to avoid SQL injection, and ensure sensitive information is handled discreetly.

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As Editor in Chief of HeatWare.net, Sood draws on over 20 years in Software Engineering to offer helpful tutorials and tips for MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, and everyday OS issues. Backed by hands-on work and real code examples, Sood breaks down Windows, macOS, and Linux so both beginners and power-users can learn valuable insights. For questions or feedback, he can be reached at sood@heatware.net.