5 Common Problems with the Samsung Galaxy S5

samsung galaxy, s5, s6

Security and Privacy Problem

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is arguably, the most sought after and feature-rich phone of the year. Customer expectations are at the highest level for this flagship phone. However, this phone came up short in a few areas that we will discuss here.

The Galaxy S5 comes with a fingerprint sensor, similar to the iPhone. However, Samsung as enabled third-party application developers to interface with this sensor, thus exposing itself to malware and hacking.  iPhone claims that the fingerprint value is securely stored within a vault within the phone. They are not saving any kind of information on companies’ server. The Galaxy is integrated with Paypal, and if your fingerprint is hacked, it could be costly! This security hole is probably the biggest drawback of the Galaxy S5.

Camera Performance

Some users have reported issues with the Galaxy S5’s 16-megapixel ISOCELL camera device.  Reports indicate problems with the steadiness of the lens module coating method.  This is a result of manufacturing difficulties in molding the 6-element optics. Issues seem to have been resolved in later builds of the phone, but keep an eye out on this if you have one of the first batches.

Heart Rate Monitor

One of the new features included in the Samsung Galaxy S5 is a Heart Rate Monitor.  Using this monitor is both simple and useful. Samsung has embedded the heart rate monitor feature into the S Health app that is currently available.  In addition to measuring your heart rate, it will tell you about your total time resting, exercising, standing, etc.  Nifty looking charts are also available to you. For the most part this feature is solid, but there have been reports with consistency issues – repeated measurements can have above normal variance.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Common Problems

Samsung Galaxy S5 Design

Samsung attempted to overhaul this version of the phone to set it apart from the previous generation S4. The S5 features a matte back, whereas the Galaxy S4 is slick and shiny. One huge departure with the S5 is that the body is made completely out of plastic. The average user may think there are metal components to the body, but that is just a type of plastic.  The new-design side’s area unit is ribbed too, which does not look as nice as the S4. Still, it feels smooth in hand and Samsung succeeded in simplifying the design.

See also  [SOLVED] What Is Safe Mode on Galaxy S3 & S4?

Internal Speaker

One thing that is immediately apparent, is that Samsung neglected the internal speaker.  There are two sound pipes on the top of the back side but the sound coming from it is pretty tinny and bass-free. The speaker also causes fairly severe vibration within the lower a part of the phone’s rear. Compare to HTC One and other smart phone its average in this area; also it is a bit annoying.

67 thoughts on “5 Common Problems with the Samsung Galaxy S5”

  1. I too purchased my samsung galaxy s5 on thanksgiving weekend and having trouble with people hearing me through the speaker phone. they say it echos, they can hear themselves talking back and often the phone cuts in and out or I loose the call. people bugged me that I needed a smartphone but my flip phone worked better in this respect

  2. Purchased a new galaxy s5 from ar&t, with volume at maximum i have to put my ear on the speaker ehe i select speaker becaus i can barely hear ir.
    this is pathetic and i see that everyone is having the sane issue.
    what to do?

  3. Okay. I have been a true Galaxy owner and supporter. But I am extremely disadisappointed in the 5. I feel they were to busy focusing on some of the small features (that I will never use any way)instead f focusing on the much more important things like a person being able to hear me. I have reset it back to factory settings twice ,they have sent me a replacement and still the same problem. I was just told from another person because the phone is larger most people put there pinky finger at the bottom to the left of the USB port bto hold the phone to there ear. I’m almost positive that’s what the problem is . Not the mic/ speaker is in a really horrible place. I now take double the time to type anything from text to email. Because the keyboard is far to small. And the sound adjustment is a joke.

  4. Okay. I have been a true Galaxy owner and supporter. But I am extremely disadisappointed in the 5. I feel they were to busy focusing on some of the small features (that I will never use any way)instead f focusing on the much more important things like a person being able to hear me. I have reset it back to factory settings twice ,they have sent me a replacement and still the same problem. I was just told from another person because the phone is larger most people put there pinky finger at the bottom to the left of the USB port bto hold the phone to there ear. I’m almost positive that’s what the problem is . Not the mic/ speaker is in a really horrible place. I now take double the time to type anything from text to email. Because the keyboard is far to small. the sound adjustment is a joke. I am do tempted to pull my Galaxy 4 out of the closet and go back to using it. Most expensive price of garbage ever.

  5. The sound and speaker volume on the Galaxy S5 is horrible. If I could trade mine in for better sound, I would. Hearing people on the phone is a joke and them hearing me is non existent … it sounds like I’m talking with my mouth covered. The features on them are taking over what phones are meant to do, talk and communicate. Now they get so busy perfecting them with play and apps. I want my old phone back.

  6. I agree with Stephanie; I want my old phone back! There are features of this phone I like, of course, but as someone aptly stated, it ceases to do what the phone was really designed to do – to let us communicate by phone! Samsung, wise up and give us what we REALLY need – not all the bells and whistles that most of us don’t care about anyway.

  7. Can anyone else confirm this problem. When I use the speaker during a call… I have to literally glue my mouth to the mic because people can’t hear me. This totally defeats the purpose of the speaker feature. I HATE this phone, worst electronic purchase mistake I’ve ever done!

  8. w nwww, fffff_______k.
    no one can hear me when I use the speakerphone as well. it really defeats the purpose of havingsuch a smart phoneand I’m not happy about it. I don’t ever get on these blogs or whatever cuz everybody seems to be asking the same thing what to do, what do I do about it aswhat can I do about it etc etc. Does anybody have an answer what can we yes capital WEdo about it as an organized dissenting unit. those of you with some legal / law enforcement background get cooking on the facts and figures and ultimately our demands and I will be the PR guy. I’m KELLYand I’m not intimidated. Or bashful.

  9. Got my galaxy 5 this past Friday and the speaker for the phone ducks big time. It sounds like there is a constant echo. I hate this phone because of that.

  10. Got my galaxy 5 this past Friday and the speaker for the phone sucks big time. It sounds like there is a constant echo. I hate this phone because of that.

  11. I’m Feeling ripped Off,
    #1 the Camera is Broken by DESIGN
    there many issues with this gimmick ridden camera
    from experience the lens is Garbage its defective not clear so the sensor is like seeing through scratched up plastic plexiglass
    a camera & or Sensor is only as clean & clear as its weakest link
    also 16MP is pushing the limits to much for its camera sensor
    making it sluggish and half the time the camera thinks its in focus
    when its not =going past its focus point firing the shutter to late & to early other times, never spot on unless by luck
    & either way theres still that funky unclear cheap lens
    so it realy doesn”t matter, and all those little other gimmick features don’t mean a dam thing if you Don’t have Crisp Sharp images with colors that Pop,
    I’v already called Samsung Twice
    it was a Joke, having enough sense to work my way through the low level worker
    and even the 2nd level Support had no skill of understanding
    especially where cameras were concerned
    asking me if i ever view my Galaxy photos on my PC Screen? WTH?
    I just told him Prior that i did & that owned pro camera grear as well,
    anyway enough SAID for NOW
    I’d Realy Love to see a MASS GALAXY S5 RECALL & Or a Fixed Exchange Solution to the Customers Satisfaction,

  12. One thing i want to explain
    as to my comment above about the S5 Lens,

    ok one thing is for Sure, all galaxy Screens are whats called

    Super Amoled displays and the Galaxy S5 is no exception
    So you agree that when you are looking at the Screen
    it is unmistakable beautiful
    and So when you Open up your Camera App Your Screen becomes somewhat of a Camera Viewfinder
    and when your Camera app is Open
    You are seeing what your Cameras Lens and Sensor is Seeing

    Now look through your Screen out into the distance to take a wide screen landscape shot..NOW TELL ME?
    Does the View to that sensor LOOK.. match the quality of your Super Amoled Screen? No it DOES NOT,
    Does it look even look as good as a cheap $200 or $300 simple point n Shoot Camera View through a View finder? STILL NOT EVEN CLOSE,

    and thats what the Camera sensor is seeing which is a big part of why 97.8 % of all the shots are fuzzy and hazy
    and why its posable to work hard and many get a few close up shots, And even THAT IS ” hit and miss ”
    but nothing beyond a few feet, it realy suxs beyond a few feet
    and landscape is just out of the question
    unless your satisfied by shots a 5 year took and is ok with,?
    Obviously Samsung banking on the biggest number of teen S5 owners into this new selfie fad,
    who likely wont notice beyond normal distant Shots,
    and the rest of us adults just blows it off like we don’t mind bending over to flush $500 to $600 down the Toilet?? eh?

    So what can we do?
    well until that question gets answered
    we can start out by not being lazy
    Not being Quiet
    Geting on the same page
    geting the messege OUT
    explaining that we all are hav’ing these same issues

    ” The Galaxy S5 Camera Is Broken by Design, ”

    Tinny tin can under water sounding Receiver Speaker

    This just may Catch TV AirTime if i have my wish
    this is what happens when you sell sub par equipment is one thing
    but when you ripp customers off at this level IS ANOTHER

    All my Gallaxy Phone cameras before this blows this S5 Out of the Water I.Q. /=Image quality wise
    and remember a higher megapixel count even if double
    a Tru Pro will tell you that MP Does’nt mean a dam thing

    there still 12Mp Cameras that costs several thousand Dollars today
    Yet you can buy a 24Mp Cheap Canon Rebel DSLR Camera from Walmart at $500 that can’t equality 1/4 the image quality of that more expensive serious 12Mp

    and im not compairing S5 to those
    im saying it does’t even compair to their own older better quality S Vibrant
    and at this Point is this is what we are to asum with each new Galaxy model and Worse
    then i don’t want it, and have to start questioning my Trust in Samsung now days, :/

  13. @Greg check the lense of the camera and make sure the tiny film with the circle in it isn’t still on. I work at a phone retailer 90% of the time that’s the problem and it fixes it immediately. It’s a stupid little thing everyone forgets to remove

  14. I have had the Galaxy S5 for 5 days. I am very disappointed in the speaker situation I am very upset that people say they can’t hear me this is just too weird this is my second Galaxy my other one was better but it did not last more than a year and a half. But someone not hearing me clearly is just really upsetting me I don’t know what to do send it back or ask for a better phone what has a better audio etc situation??? Help

  15. I am having similar issues I do not want to go through this where people say I cannot hear you I was told there was two speaker systems on this phone where are they I only see one speaker next to the camera on the back of the Galaxy S5 can someone help me I’ve only had this phone 5 days and maybe it needs to go back for a better phone and if so can someone tell me a better Galaxy..HELP

  16. my phone is messing up and i say that all samung users should get a new phone this is messed up just send us a new phone

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