Guide to PostgreSQL REINDEX Tables with Examples

postgresql reindex

PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness and advanced features. One of these features is its ability to manage and manipulate indexes, which significantly contribute to database performance optimization. PostgreSQL provides various tools and commands that allow developers to efficiently monitor and manage database performance, including how to display table locks when troubleshooting concurrency issues. By understanding table locks, administrators can identify bottlenecks and optimize query execution, ensuring smooth operation even under heavy load. Additionally, PostgreSQL’s support for advanced indexing techniques, such as partial indexes and expression indexes, further enhances its capability to handle complex queries efficiently.

Database indexing, just like the index of a book, provides swift access to specific information in a database without the need to read every row. Indexes are crucial in PostgreSQL because they:

  • Improve query performance by reducing the amount of data needed to be examined
  • Enable faster data retrieval, especially for large databases
  • Reduce the load on your database

However, maintaining and managing these indexes is a task in itself. This is where the concept of reindexing comes into play in PostgreSQL.

Understanding REINDEX in PostgreSQL

Reindexing in PostgreSQL is the process of rebuilding indexes. This action can be useful for improving query performance, repairing damaged indexes, and restoring disk space. As per the Official PostgreSQL Reindex Documentation, the REINDEX command can be used for this purpose.

Several factors might necessitate reindexing in PostgreSQL:

  • Indexes might get bloated due to multiple updates, deletes, and inserts
  • The system might crash, leading to corrupted indexes
  • An operation might fail due to insufficient memory, leading to a corrupted index
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Some practical scenarios when reindexing could be beneficial are:

  • After bulk loads, deletes or updates
  • If there are operational errors due to insufficient memory
  • When the system has crashed

4 Types of REINDEX in PostgreSQL

There are several types of reindexing operations available in PostgreSQL:

  1. System-Wide Reindex: This operation reindexes all databases in the PostgreSQL instance. Example:
   REINDEX SYSTEM database_name;
  1. Database Level Reindex: This reindexes every index in a specific database. Example:
   REINDEX DATABASE database_name;
  1. Table Level Reindex: This reindexes every index associated with a specific table. Example:
   REINDEX TABLE table_name;
  1. Index Level Reindex: This reindexes a specific index. Example:
   REINDEX INDEX index_name;

Each type of reindex operation serves different use-cases and is to be used depending on the scenario and requirement.

Steps to Perform REINDEX in PostgreSQL

Before initiating a reindex operation, ensure that you have the necessary permissions and that your database is backed up.

Here are the steps for performing a table level reindex:

  1. Connect to the database
   \c database_name
  1. Perform the reindex operation
   REINDEX TABLE table_name;

Remember that the database will be locked and not available for writes during the reindexing operation.

Impact and Considerations of Reindexing

While reindexing can be beneficial, it’s not a free operation. It can significantly impact PostgreSQL performance, causing:

  • Increased disk I/O due to the index being rebuilt
  • Increased CPU usage
  • Increased transaction log output

Moreover, reindexing can lead to an exclusive lock on the target index, preventing writes on the indexed table. Hence, reindexing is ideally done during maintenance windows or periods of low activity.

Some best practices for reindexing in PostgreSQL are:

  • Regularly monitor index bloat
  • Schedule reindex operations during off-peak hours
  • Use CONCURRENTLY option to avoid locking the table during reindexing
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Enabling Automatic REINDEX in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, automatic reindexing is not a built-in feature as of the latest release. This is mainly because reindexing can be resource-intensive and it’s generally recommended to schedule it during maintenance windows or low-activity periods.

That said, there are workarounds to achieve automatic reindexing, usually by writing scripts that can be run on a schedule using cron jobs on Unix-based systems, or Task Scheduler on Windows.

Here is a basic example of such a script in bash for a Unix-based system. This script finds all indexes in a specific database and runs a reindex command for each one.



# Fetch all index names from the given database
indexes=$(psql -U $USER_NAME -d $DATABASE_NAME -t -c "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'public';")

for index in $indexes
  echo "Reindexing $index"
  psql -U $USER_NAME -d $DATABASE_NAME -c "REINDEX INDEX \"$index\";"

You can schedule this script to run at specific intervals using cron. The following cron job would run the script every day at 3 AM:

0 3 * * * /path_to_script/

Keep in mind that it’s essential to monitor your PostgreSQL instance’s performance while running such a script, as reindexing all indexes in a database can be heavy on resources.

Additionally, the script doesn’t handle errors or edge cases, so make sure to add appropriate error handling and logging for a production environment.


What is the difference Reindex and Vacuum in PostgreSQL?

Reindex rebuilds indexes while Vacuum reclaims storage occupied by dead tuples.

Can Reindexing improve query performance in PostgreSQL?

Yes, it can improve query performance by optimizing the index and reducing the amount of data that needs to be examined.

How can I check if my PostgreSQL database needs Reindexing?

Regular monitoring of index bloat can help identify the need for reindexing.

Understanding reindexing in PostgreSQL and its implications is crucial for managing and optimizing a PostgreSQL database effectively. As we’ve seen, it can be beneficial for query performance and overall database health.

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As Editor in Chief of, Sood draws on over 20 years in Software Engineering to offer helpful tutorials and tips for MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, and everyday OS issues. Backed by hands-on work and real code examples, Sood breaks down Windows, macOS, and Linux so both beginners and power-users can learn valuable insights. For questions or feedback, he can be reached at