Mac Homebrew Essentials: How to Install Specific Versions

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Homebrew is a top-tier package manager for macOS. It simplifies software installation and management. For developers, installing specific software versions is often essential. This ensures compatibility with older projects and avoids issues with new releases. Here’s how to install specific versions using Homebrew.

How Homebrew Handles Versions

Homebrew’s versioning system is built around “formulae.” These scripts manage software installation, letting users access the latest and older versions. When you request an install, Homebrew retrieves the matching formula and runs it. This system makes switching between versions straightforward.

Checking Installed Versions

First, check the versions already on your system. Use this command:

brew list --versions

This displays all installed packages with their versions. Homebrew also uses symbolic links to mark the active version. Even with multiple versions installed, only one is active at a time. To switch between versions, use:

brew switch software_name version_number

These commands help you manage your installed software efficiently.

Finding Older Versions

Homebrew lets you access older software versions through “taps.” These are additional repositories with extra formulae. To search for available versions, use:

brew search software_name

This lists the available options, so you can install the version you need.

Using Git for Version Control

Homebrew integrates with Git to track formula changes. This allows advanced users to access older versions. To do this, navigate to the Homebrew directory and use Git commands to check out previous versions. Be careful, though—directly editing Homebrew’s Git history can cause issues.

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Creating a Custom Formula

If taps or Git don’t have the version you need, you can create your own formula. Write a script detailing the installation process. Once it’s ready, install it with:

brew install /path/to/custom/formula.rb

This method offers flexibility but requires careful setup to avoid conflicts.


Why can’t I find an older version of a formula?

Homebrew’s main repository primarily focuses on the latest software versions. Older versions might be phased out over time. However, you can often find them in taps or by exploring Homebrew’s Git history.

What do I do if a specific version isn’t available as a tap?

If a “brew install specific version” isn’t available as a tap, consider checking Homebrew’s Git history or crafting your own custom formula to achieve the desired installation.

How do I prevent Homebrew from updating a specific formula?

To prevent Homebrew from updating a particular formula, you can pin it using the command:
brew pin software_name
This ensures that the specified formula remains untouched during general updates.


Understanding Homebrew’s version management can help you maintain precise control over your software. By using its tools and features, you can keep your macOS environment running smoothly.

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As Editor in Chief of, Sood draws on over 20 years in Software Engineering to offer helpful tutorials and tips for MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, and everyday OS issues. Backed by hands-on work and real code examples, Sood breaks down Windows, macOS, and Linux so both beginners and power-users can learn valuable insights. For questions or feedback, he can be reached at